Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hall of Fame and Shame: Fathers of Gaming

Today is Father's Day and I'm happy to present you with a special edition of the Hall of Fame and Shame. We're gonna take a look at some of the best fathers in the gaming industry, and see what parenting do's and don'ts we can learn from them.

King Zora XVI
From: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Status: Shame

Okay so I realize you can't keep an eye on your kids ALL the time, but first off it seems like this guy doesn't even realize Princess Ruto is missing. Then after presenting him with evidence that you know where she is, he doesn't want to get off his fat, lazy ass to go save her. Instead he entrusts a stranger he just met to go do it for him. And to add insult to injury, he takes 10 minutes just to move out of the way so Link can get through. Clearly his priorities aren't where they need to be.

Dr. Thomas Light
From: Mega Man series
Status: Fame

Even though Dr. Light didn't genetically father Mega Man, he did create him and raise him with love and care as his own son. He loved his son-robot so much that his original intent for Mega Man was just to be a helper robot, living peacefully in the house. But when Mega Man decides he wants to be a fighting robot to help keep peace, he supports his boy's ambitions, like all good fathers would. Not to mention, he builds him a puppy! How freakin' cool is that?

From: God of War series
Status: Shame

Fathers are human, and as such they can make mistakes, and sometimes they may get angry.  Unfortunately for Kratos he did both of these at the same time, and it resulted in him killing his daughter (and wife) in a blind rage for seemingly no reason other than pride and really high levels of testosterone. Furthermore, as a reminder of his shame he was cursed by the village oracle and the ashes of his dead loved ones are forever bonded to his skin, for that pasty white look the ladies love.

James McCloud
From: Star Fox series
Status: Fame

Many people, both in real life and video games have lost their fathers. Some even go on to follow in their dad's footsteps. But it takes a truly influential father to touch as many lives as James McCloud did. He was the leader of a famous mercenary-for-hire team and through his life he pissed off a giant monkey head, which led to his pig friend turning evil, and his other best friend to form another mercenary team after James's death led by his son, Fox who was so devastated and inspired by his father's death that he hallucinates visions of him during boss fights against the same pissed off monkey head responsible for his dad's demise. Whew, did you get all that? Ace pilot, wearing sunglasses...bottom line: James McCloud is a badass.

Heiachi Mishima
From: Tekken series
Status: Shame

Heiachi is the main antagonist of the Tekken franchise and rightfully so. He won't really be winning any Father of the Year awards either. He threw his five year old son, Kazuya, into a ravine, then proceeded to tell him if he was truly his son, he'd survive the fall and climb out. I guess the dysfunctional apple doesn't fall far from the tree, because after Kazuya did exactly that and defeated Heiachi years later, he threw him into the very same ravine. Someone please call Dr. Phil.

Big Daddy
From: Bioshock series
Status: Fame

The Big Daddies in Bioshock aren't ACTUALLY fathers. In fact they're not even human. But the dedication and protection they show for the Little Sisters is the perfect example of a father's love and devotion. We all know the stereotype of the overprotective dad who's cleaning his guns when a boy shows up to pick up his sweetheart for a first date, but how much more awkward and intimidating is that first meeting when the daddy has a giant drill, and can shoot lightning, fire, and other such elements? Yeah...good luck winning over a heartless, angry, six ton killing machine with your debate club trophies.

From: Mario series
Status: Shame

Bowser has GOT to be the epitome of bad parenting. He has the seven Koopa Kids, as well as Bowser Jr. to watch after, and he spoils them rotten. Bowser let them all have their own castles and fortresses (filled with spikes, lava pits, and other dangerous objects, to boot), flying airships, and magic wands that shoot stuff and cause destruction. He never watches his kids closely, and they're constantly getting beat up by a fat italian plumber. Talk about neglect and abuse...

Harry Mason
From: Silent Hill series
Status: Fame

Most daddies will do anything for their little girl, and since Harry Mason's wife had passed away, his daughter was the most important thing in the world to him. When she went missing in the hellish town of Silent Hill, Harry boldly went to search for her. Little did he know that in his quest to save his daughter, he would encounter demons and monsters beyond his wildest fears, including a shirtless guy wearing a giant cone on his head that enjoys raping....uh....legs. Regardless, Harry has seen some pretty twisted, messed up stuff, but his devotion to his daughter kept him going strong. Nowadays, his therapy and medication do the trick.

Pokemon Trainer's Father
From: Pokemon series
Status: Shame

In almost every main Pokemon game, your character is raised solely by his or her mother. Of course there's nothing wrong with being raised by a strong, independent woman, but it's just odd that there's never even mention of the father, with the exception of the Ruby/Sapphire generation. In these games, the player's father is one of the Gym Leaders, but even then he's never home to be with his family! And how awkward is it in Pokemon Black/White when your friend Bianca is upset that her dad wants to protect her and show her love, while you're just kinda wandering the world, looking for wild creatures with no paternal support? So selfish... To all of you dads who abandoned your wife and child, leaving them to raise at least 150 or more Pokemon, I hope it was worth it you selfish prick!

Ethan Mars
From: Heavy Rain
Status: Fame

They say a parent will do anything to protect or save their child. Stories have been told of people lifting cars or running through flames to ensure their child's safety. But I don't think any parent is as dedicated as Ethan Mars when it comes to finding and saving his son Shaun. I don't want to spoil an awesome game, so I'll just vaguely touch on a few things. Heavy Rain's tagline is "How far would you go to save someone you love?" Would you....cut off a finger? Harm another human being? Eat week-old shrimp? Listen to Selena Gomez's new album on repeat for four hours straight? Well I don't know if Ethan would do all of those, but he's definitely a contender for best parent ever. Next to Samuel L. Jackon's dad, of course.

This concludes another edition of the Hall of Fame and Shame! Be sure to contact me on my Facebook page with any questions, comments, updates, or stories. Hope you have a Happy Father's Day, from A Gamer's World! Until next time...

Best wishes,