Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Seven Deadly Sins - Nintendo Edition

Nintendo's library is home to a wide array of characters and personalities, most of which are friendly, cute, and happy faces.  But some of these characters have a dark secret:  struggling with a deadly sin!  Let's check out which of Nintendo's finest have skeletons in their closet.


It just seems like this guy is never happy. Kidnapping princesses, turning whole realms into evil places swarming with monsters, I mean come on, dark magic energy flows from this guy like swag from George Clooney. Ganondorf is wrath incarnate, and SOMEONE needs to try and give this guy a hug.  ...Not it.


It's kinda hard to not be considered a glutton when literally ALL you do is eat. Sucking up food, eating enemies, swallowing blocks,  Kirby's diet really isn't very particular at all.  Kirby is the only fat kid girls seem to find cute, if only they knew the extent of his evil deeds.


Imagine how it must feel to spend 25 years in the shadow of your older brother.  Never getting any attention, always playing the sidekick, wanting attention for yourself. Sure they let you play sports, race karts, and maybe you even get your own title once every 10 years, but that's not enough for you IS IT?! Luigi is the epitome of envy, and it even shows in the green clothes he's known for.


Arrogant, cocky, brash, brazen, selfish....all traits that Falco possesses.  He's the loud-mouthed ace pilot of the Star Fox team, and he wants to make sure EVERYBODY knows it. You can't have Falco say more than 3 lines without at least one of those stroking his prideful ego.


Never have I seen royalty as lazy and useless as Peach.  This woman allegedly rules a kingdom and has an entire civilization at her beck and call and all she does is sit on her ass until she gets kidnapped.  Then she just sits on her ass and waits to get rescued. She CLAIMS she's baked cakes, but nobody's ever seen them.

Greed (Avarice)

Ever since he was first introduced, Wario's sole driving force has been greed. He wants money, and he'll do whatever he needs to do to ensure he gets it, even if it means putting his name on a collection of bad minigames. When he's not busy trying to sell his minigames to the unsuspecting public he's literally shaking enemies and robbing them of their hard-earned (stolen) money. What a bully.


You know that you've got a problem with lust when you abandon your career to take on the sole hobby of going after the same girl for years with no results.  Mario has been chasing the same piece of tail into the ocean, across deserts, and even into space for over two decades without so much as a kiss on the lips, but his lust will carry him forward.  The only reason he even has adventures is because he can't stop thinking about this one chick and her imaginary cakes. So frickin whipped.

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